Tasmanian Tigers (Thylacinus cynocephalus) are rumoured to still roam the wilds of Tasmania. This is a 'mock' dataset of a survey of Tasmanian Tigers. Sadly no tigers were caught!
A data frame with 8 rows and 13 variables:
- site
name given to each site
- trap
there were two traps at each site, 1 and 2
- date_trap_setup
the date time the trap was setup
- date_trap_collected
the date time the trap was collected
- longitude_dd
longitude of the trap in decimal degrees
- latitude_dd
latitude of the trap in decimal degrees
- longitude_dms
longitude of the trap in degrees minutes seconds
- latitude_dms
latitude of the trap in degrees minutes seconds
- longitude_ddm
longitude of the trap in degrees decimal minutes
- latitude_ddm
latitude of the trap in degrees decimal minutes
- gps_uncertainty
the uncertainty of the coordinates given by the GPS
- species
the species being identified / counted
- count
the number of individuals found in a trap